Bioabsorbable three-dimensional (3D) printed scaffolds for personalized treatment of periodontitis
For more information visit the website: https://3dperiodontis.gr/

The project “Bioabsorbable three-dimensional (3D) printed scaffolds for personalized treatment of periodontitis” with acronym “3D-BioPerioDontis” is an interdisciplinary project, involving six partners: four research institutions, with high research and scientific experience, and two companies, active in the industries of software development and design of pharmaceutical products. The project brings together researchers and scientists with different expertise and subjects. It is co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: T2ΕΔΚ-01641).

The main objective of 3D-BioPerioDontis is the development of new biomaterials for the fabrication of innovative bio-absorbable 3D printed scaffolds for personalized therapy of periodontitis, which will act simultaneously as drug delivery systems for controlled delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The most important individual sub-objectives of the project are the following:
- development of a methodology for creating 3D models of the hard tissues of the oral cavity of patients using CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography) data;
- development of a methodology for designing 3D scaffolds for personalized treatment of periodontitis, using 3D models of hard tissues of the oral cavity of patients;
- development of a management software for the entire production cycle of scaffolds;
- collection of CBCT data for patients with periodontitis;
- creation of 3D models of the hard tissues of the oral cavity of multiple patients;
- 3D design and printing of 3D periodontitis scaffolds for multiple patients.
Role of the Lab. of Photogrammetry
The main research activities of the Lab. of Photogrammetry in the context of 3D-BioPerioDontis is analyzed in the following sections.
Evaluation of 3D modeling workflows using dental CBCT data for periodontal regenerative treatment
The Lab. of Photogrammetry filled the gap in the state-of-the-art research concerning the usage of CBCT data for 3D modeling of the hard tissues of the oral cavity of patients with periodontitis, for the needs of designing and printing 3D scaffolds for periodontal regeneration. In this context, segmentation and 3D modeling workflows using dental CBCT data that belong to a patient with periodontitis have been evaluated and comparisons between the 3D models of the teeth and the alveolar bone generated through the experiments that yielded the most satisfactory results have been made.

Development of a methodology for creating 3D models of hard tissues of the oral cavity of patients with periodontitis
The Lab. of Photogrammetry has developed an efficient methodology for creating 3D models of teeth and alveolar bone of patients, especially for being used as the basis for generating bioabsorbable 3D printed scaffolds for personalized treatment against periodontitis. The methodology has been tested using CBCT data of multiple patients.

Development of a methodology for designing 3D models of periodontal scaffolds
The Lab. of Photogrammetry has developed an efficient methodology for designing 3D models of scaffolds that can be used for personalized treatment against periodontitis. The 3D models were designed using as input data the generated 3D models of the hard tissues of the oral cavity of patients with periodontitis. The methodology has been tested for multiple cased of patients. The periodontal scaffolds have been printed using different 3D printing techniques.

Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis
Scientific Responsible
Lab. of Photogrammetry
School of Rural, Surveying & Geoinformatics Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Sofia Soile
Dipl. Rural and Surveying Engineer
MSc. in Geoinformatics
National Technical University of Athens
Styliani Verykokou
PhD, Dipl. Rural and Surveying Engineer
National Technical University of Athens